



基于队列,我们将突破跨尺度多模态健康医疗大数据融合辨析难题,开展覆盖重大慢性疾病全过程的全人群、全生命周期精准防诊治研究、人群精准营养和AI营养大数据研究与转化、环境健康研究、老龄化、认知与脑健康研究、多维度生物信息研究、医学人工智能技术驱动的大健康研究等。研究成果可转化为InterGene Kit精准检测试剂盒、AI健康预测工具、个性化餐谱的智能设计方法和系统、老年慢病全链路健康管理系统、老年慢病早筛早诊早治数智健康管理平台等一系列产品。


 Healthy Zhejiang One Million People Cohort 


Large-scale prospective cohort empowered by digital technology is the best source for obtaining standardized, high-quality, multi-scale, and multi-modal health and medical big data, as well as biological samples. The Healthy Zhejiang One Million Cohort project is dedicated to creating a world-leading high-energy-level scientific research and innovation platform for public health and big health, filling the gap in China's million-level cohort and providing core support for clinical medicine, basic medicine, translational medicine, and public health research in the new era.


This large-scale prospective population cohort is led by Zhejiang University and supported by the Zhejiang Provincial People's Government in terms of policy and funding, and in collaboration with the Zhejiang Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the Zhejiang Provincial Cancer Hospital. The project's chief scientist is Professor Wu Xifeng, a globally renowned scientist, national distinguished expert, and top talent in Zhejiang Provincial Kunpeng Plan.


Through various ways, this project will comprehensively collect health and medical big data as well as various types of biological samples from multiple dimensions. It will connect micro-level, e.g., microscopic biomolecular information, meso-level, e.g., personal information, and macro-level, e.g.,  social factors, integrate multiple dimensions of information and conduct long-term follow-up for health outcome, establishing a cohort of healthy individuals, high-risk individuals, and diseased individuals characterized by digital empowerment.


Based on the cohort, we will break through the challenges of integrating and analyzing multi-scale and multi-modal health and medical big data, and conduct precise prevention, diagnosis, and treatment research covering the continual process of diseases; precision nutrition research and AI nutrition big data research, as well as its translation; environmental health research; aging, cognition and brain health research; multidimensional bioinformatics research, and medical AI-driven big health research. The research results can be transformed into a series of products, including InterGene Kit precision diagnostic kits, AI health prediction tools, intelligent design methods and systems for personalized meal plans, comprehensive health management systems for elderly patients, and intelligent health management platforms for early screening, early diagnosis, and early treatment of elderly patients with chronic diseases.


Through the aforementioned breakthroughs in basic research, we will provide support for residents' health, promote precise population stratification, and adopt targeted three-level preventive strategies for different populations, thereby realizing the integration of prediction, warning, prevention, early diagnosis, early detection, early treatment, precision treatment, and precision health through digital empowerment. This will promote the coordinated development of education, science and technology, and talents, ultimately providing strong support for construction of a healthy China, a digital China, and a community with a shared future for mankind.